The following people perform various duties in the church and would be happy to help you out if you have any questions or requests:
Pastor Sandra Mantz
Pastor Sandy is our beloved pastor and will assist you with any questions about the church.
Mary Ferreira
Mary is our Administrative Assistant and can help you with just about any questions or steer you in the right direction. You will find Mary in the church office on Mondays and Thursdays, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Tony Capozza
Tony is our sexton and knows where everything is in the church and will be happy to help you out with any building related question. Tony is generally in the church at various hours during the week.
Bonnie Hutta
Bonnie takes wonderful care of our youngest population who are not quite old enough for Sunday School and don’t want to sit in church for the service. Bonnie can be found on the second floor of the education wing at the end of the hall in the Cribbery. She has lots of toys for your children to play with and loves to read them stories.
Russell Reynolds
Russ is the President of our Board of Trustees. If you have any questions about the building or grounds, Russ is the man to see.
Kathy Casey, Doug Gaylor, and Lisa Grace
This dynamic team of three is responsible for our Sunday School Program. Our children come to worship at 10:30 am and are dismissed around 11:00 am to go to Sunday School. The program is supported by a wonderful group of teachers and helpers and this group also provides planning for special Sunday School events. All children are welcome.
Our classes consist of: Pre-School – 2nd Grade, 3rd-5th Grade, Middle School (6th-8th Grade) and High School (9th-12th Grade). We offer an Adult Sunday School at 9:30 am on Sundays.
Cliff Cullum
Cliff is our financial secretary but has many other roles too. Cliff can be found on Sunday mornings at the sound system in the back of the sanctuary. He also leads the online Tuesday Evening Bible Study.
Doug Gaylor
Doug is the chairperson of our Finance Committee. He oversees the finances of the church.
Robert Gutowski
Rob is a longtime member of our church and has served as our interim Music Director, playing piano and organ and directing our choir at our weekly services. Rob also manages our Praise Band with the aim of celebrating our love of Jesus through Praise Songs. The choir meets every Sunday before and after worship to practice and they are always happy to have new members.
Dianne Benincasa
Dianne chairs our Mission Committee and organizes many events that serve the local and worldwide communities.
Rachel Ward Pinto and Linda Hoernes
Rachel and Linda share the Treasurer position and faithfully handle the bill paying responsibilities of the church
Hank Schrot
Hank is the chairperson of the Administrative Council. This council overseas all the committees and financial commitments of the church, as well as our relationship to the United Methodist Church as a whole.
Annette Reynolds & Lisa Casey
Annette Reynolds & Lisa Casey are chairs of the Staff/Parish Relations Committee, which is responsible for our Pastor’s overall relationship with the congregation and oversees the needs of our staff.
Coryne Casey
Cory is the chairperson of the Vision Table. This committee is composed of the program committees in the church and meets monthly at 7:30 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month. Everyone is welcome to the Vision Table meetings.
Maxine Haigh
Maxine is responsible for Membership at our church. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Maxine on Sunday mornings or speak to Pastor Sandy.